Front End Engineer
- プログラマとして4年以上の実務経験
- モバイル端末、およびデスクトップブラウザを中心としたフロントエンド開発経験
- JavaScript Core, ES6+/TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3/Sassに関する専門知識
- 関数型プログラミングおよびリアクティブプログラミングの経験
- リアルタイムデータ処理・データ変換の経験(タイムライン制御の経験)
- OOD(オブジェクト指向)やSOA(サービス指向)のプログラミングに関する知識
- Gitなどに代表される分散型バージョン管理システムの使用経験
- nginx/Dockerの知識及び使用経験
- コードレビュー、リファクタリング、コードパフォーマンス解析の経験
- PixiJS、Node.jsの使用経験
- GitLab, JIRA, Confluenceの使用経験
- React/Redux/Next.js/GraphQLのエコシステムに関する知識および経験
- CI/CDプロセス実装、TDD/BDDおよびテスト自動化の経験
- Kubernetes, AWS, CDN/Cloudflareの使用経験、DevOpsおよびDevOpsSec文化を会社に導入した経験
This is a new startup company!
We are looking for active new members in our new office.
You will be in charge of the front-end development of video slot games and their programming (Programming to control game components that the users actually use, watch, and touch such as graphics, sounds, UI, etc).
You will cooperate with our overseas’ members to advance this project as this industry is unfamiliar to Japan currently.
Largely welcome if you like to analyze the sample codes, languages, and create new products.
Necessary Skills
- At least 4 years of work experience as a programmer
- Frontend development experience focused on mobile devices and desktop browsers
- Expertise in JavaScript Core, ES6+/TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3/Sass
- Experience in functional programming and reactive programming
Desired Skills
- Experience in real-time data processing and data conversion (timeline control)
- Knowledge of OOD(Object-Oriented Design) and SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture).
- Experience in Distributed Version Control Systems such as Git.
- Experience and knowledge of nginx/Docker
- Experience in code review, refactoring, code performance analysis.
- Experience in PixiJS、Node.js
- Experience in GitLab, JIRA, Confluence
- Experience in the ecosystem of React/Redux/Next.js/GraphQL
- Experience in implementation of CI/CD process, TDD/BDD and test automation.
- Experience in Kubernetes, AWS, CDN/Cloudflare, and introduction of DevOps and DevOpsSec culture into the company.
Work Place
3 minutes walk from Gotanda Station
Work hour
11am to 20pm (lunch time: 13:30-14:30)
Working Day
Monday to Friday
Annual Holidays
121 days
Please fill out the form below, write a brief introduction to the message and send it.
We are looking for energetic people !