
Game Designer



  • ゲーム、カジノゲームまたは遊技機のプロジェクトリーダー、および制作進行の実務経験
  • マネージャーと開発現場の間を取り持ち、開発現場全体をまとめるチームワーク力
  • 優れた対人能力及びコミュニケーションスキル
  • マルチタスクを実行し、高品質の成果物を時間どおりに完成できる、自発的で責任感のある人
  • 開発者及びプレイヤー、両方の観点からのスロットゲームに対する関心


  • Excel及びWordの堪能なスキル
  • ゲームのコンセプトを作成する能力
  • 口頭及び書面による英語力
  • iGamingにおける数学概念の理解
  • 確率統計に関する数学知識
  • 仕様書及び申請書類の作成経験
  • Visual Studioの堪能なスキル
  • Jira、Confluenceの使用経験






This is a new startup company!

We are looking for active new members in our new office.

You will be in charge of the front-end development of video slot games and their programming (Programming to control game components that the users actually use, watch, and touch such as graphics, sounds, UI, etc).

You will cooperate with our overseas’ members to advance this project as this industry is unfamiliar to Japan currently.
Largely welcome if you like to analyze the sample codes, languages, and create new products.

Necessary Skills

  • Requires a minimum of 3 years of experience in game design and development
  • Key contributor in the design and development of thriving core and entertainment products
  • Ability to work in teams, with managers and able to collaborate with creative and technical disciplines
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Self-driven, responsible and detail-oriented person who can multi-task and deliver high-quality work on time
  • Interest in slot games both from a developer and gamble player point of view

Desired Skills

  • Proficient in Excel and Word
  • Proven ability to create game concepts
  • Good level of spoken and written English
  • Strong understanding of mathematical concepts in gaming
  • Strong math background
  • Experience in creating technical docs and requirements
  • Proficient in Visual Studio
  • Strong Jira user

Work Place
3 minutes walk from Gotanda Station

Work hour
11am to 20pm (lunch time: 13:30-14:30)

Working Day
Monday to Friday

Annual Holidays
121 days

Please fill out the form below, write a brief introduction to the message and send it.
We are looking for energetic people !

    First Name / 名前*

    Last Name / 名字*

    Email / メールアドレス*

    Phone / 電話番号

    Location(City) / 住所*

    File / ファイル

    File extension:jpg,png,pdf,doc,docx

    Message / メッセージ本文*

    Application consent / アプリケーションの同意*

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